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Baton Rouge Thoracic Spine Pain Helped by Chiropractic Care

February 07, 2023

For those of us struggling with thoracic (mid-spine) pain, chiropractic spinal manipulation therapy can be an effective approach to reduce symptoms and improve our quality of life. This type of care centers on biomechanical parameters to help enhance clinical outcomes, such as improving range of motion and lessening pain levels. Let's explore the ways in which this type of therapy can help Baton Rouge thoracic spine pain sufferers find relief at Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers.


Thoracic pain is a kind of back pain that impacts the middle section of your spine, called the thoracic spine region. This area comprises your chest wall, ribs, and lungs. The most common sources of thoracic pain involve muscle strain or sprain, disc injury, spinal stenosis, pinched nerve in the spine, and/or facet joint dysfunction. Other causes may include weak posture or an injury to the shoulder or arm that involves pressure on the nerves in this area. Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers can figure this out with a thorough examination of your spine.


Chiropractors like yours at Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers are experienced in identifying and treating musculoskeletal issues like thoracic pain. They employ a hands-on approach to diagnose and treat these conditions using a variety of techniques such as manual adjustments, electrical stimulation therapy, exercises, and other modalities to lessen inflammation and improve range of motion in involved areas. Via regular visits with their Baton Rouge chiropractor for spinal manipulation and mobilization and treatment plans individualized for them, patients suffering from thoracic pain can find relief without having to take medications or undergoing surgery.


Chiropractic spinal manipulation and mobilization is a type of hands-on treatment using precise force, pressure, and direction to relieve spinal pain. Cox® Technic is one very gentle form of treatment that is segment specific, stretches spinal tissues, and eases pain. The applied forces can be measured precisely with proper equipment. Such precision benefits those with thoracic pain. Research has shown that this type of treatment can reduce stiffness in the spine and relax muscles to help relieve pain levels. One recent study of patients with chronic thoracic pain explained that spinal manipulation decreased pain intensity, disability, spinal stiffness, and tenderness. (1) Another study stated that patients who were “responders” to spinal manipulation for non-specific thoracic spine pain relief were those whose expectations of improvement and comfort during spinal manipulation were optimistic. (2) So come for thoracic spine treatment with a positive attitude! Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers is here.

CONTACT Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers

Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Kurt Olding on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he illustrates relieving treatment of a thoracic disc herniation with The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management.

If you're looking for a conservative means to contain your mid-back pain, make a Baton Rouge chiropractic visit with Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers today!

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