Chiropractic Manipulation Relieves the Painful Spine
The spine is grateful for spinal manipulation! It certainly values what spinal manipulation feels like and rewards its owner with relief of back pain and relaxation. When you bring your Baton Rouge spine to Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers, Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers treats it gently, safely and effectively. The Baton Rouge chiropractic treatment plan incorporates alleviating, research-proven spinal manipulation.
Spinal manipulation hinders back pain’s messages to the body that it hurts. Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers understands that our Baton Rouge chiropractic back pain patients want to stop the hurt. Spinal manipulation has an anti-nociceptive - anti-pain - effect on back pain. Spinal manipulation allays11 back pain by interfering with the pain messages formed by irritated spinal nerves. In one specific study, spinal manipulation more effectively slowed pain messages than did tactile sensation (no effect) or mechanical stimulus (no significant effect). (1) Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers uses Baton Rouge spinal manipulation to discontinue the painful irritation of the spinal discs.
The intervertebral disc of the spine depends on its water content to be healthy and not easily bothered by pain, maintain its height and do its job of supporting spinal mobility and acting like the shock-absorber between the spinal vertebral bones! That may diminish the essence of the disc’s role a bit, but the spinal disc is central to spinal movement and critical to back pain relief. It’s the most pain-sensitive structure in the spine! (2) Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers takes care of the disc and the spine. When the spine is loaded by compression or even during exercise, it responds. How? T2 MRI images reveal reduced value signifying that water content is low in the facet joints and the nucleus pulposus. (3) That is why it is so vital to stay hydrated, drink water, and treat the disc to Baton Rouge chiropractic care!
Lumbar spinal discs do react to Baton Rouge chiropractic. Intervertebral disc height increases with traction. (4) That’s what occurs with Cox Technic, the form of spinal manipulation Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers offers and is well-experienced in delivering. With Cox Technic, disc height enlarges by 17%, and spinal area opens by 28%. (5) When discs degenerate, they lose disc height. Spinal area decreases. Spinal nerves are aggravated more easily. Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers’s Baton Rouge chiropractic care assists in diminishing that irritation and the associated Baton Rouge back pain.
Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers uses spinal manipulation to reduce back pain. Along with spinal manipulation, Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers recommends nutritional advice about supplements with glycosaminoglycan elements glucosamine and chondroitin – both linked to the sulfate radical which imbibes fluid. It is all part of your Baton Rouge treatment plan.
Schedule your Baton Rouge chiropractic appointment today. Your spine and the discs of the spine will reward you for the pain relief they experience at Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers!