Your English teacher was right: Words have power.
Now, that relief is not always 100%. In an ideal world, that may be the goal, but for so many Baton Rouge back pain and neck pain sufferers who have experienced the back pain or leg pain for weeks, months or even years and tried so many different types of care, a 50% or 75% or 90% relief of pain is welcome even gratifying. Controlling back pain so it doesn't control you may be a worthy goal. 50% may even be considered an excellent clinical outcome. Just ask a back pain sufferer who isn't able to walk to the mail box if walking to the mailbox and back would be good. Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers is all about helping our Baton Rouge chiropractic patients experience the best quality of life possible.
So, do you realize that as a husband, wife, sibling, friend, relative, or significant other, you are very important in determining the success of treatment for your loved one's Baton Rouge back pain condition. Understanding a health problem and its treatment options and outcomes is mandatory to work together toward relief and return to work and life. Pushing for more tests or expecting complete relief for a loved one may actually be detrimental to the loved one's recovery. (1)
Therefore, be positive with your back pain suffering friend or family member. Use your words carefully. Want an example? Say “I know you'll feel better.” instead of “I hope you'll feel better.” Be hopeful. Also, Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers invites you to be involved so you can be genuinely positive in your support of our Baton Rouge chiropractic treatment plan for your friend or loved one. Pain relief is possible, and the power of words plays a big role in it.
Contact Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers today to start your journey to back pain and neck pain relief. Let our positive words and attitude influence yours.