“It's when we start working together that the real healing takes place...” - David Hume
Mr. Hume may have meant this in different context in his time, but in the context of today’s spine pain care management for healing and pain relief in back pain patients, it’s quite apropos. With so many back pain care options, patients may be overwhelmed. It’s only right that those who do know, like back pain specialists, help them with the best next step for their condition. That next step for their back pain may be someone other than themselves or a different back pain treatment than the one they offer. Back pain patients would be so grateful for direction and the back pain relief that results in their returning to their less painful normal activities of life. Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers offers gentle, conservative chiropractic care here in Baton Rouge and works with other back pain care doctors as needed for the best relief for Baton Rouge neck pain and back pain patients.
- For cervical spine and lumbar spine radiculopathy patients who have arm pain and leg pain…
- Testing the current standard of 6 weeks for non-operative care of spine pain patients before spinal surgery, researchers reviewed 5700+ studies. Overall, they found that improvement for patients came within 4 weeks of onset for 88% of cervical spine radiculopathy patients and 70% of lumbar spine radiculopathy patients. When it became necessary and was completed, spine surgery was best in terms of cost and surgical outcome effectiveness within 8 weeks of symptom onset. The researchers suggest that optimal timing for lumbar radiculopathy surgery is between 4 and 8 weeks of symptom onset and 8 weeks for cervical radiculopathy surgery. (1) Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers welcomes the opportunity to deliver 4 to 8 weeks of Baton Rouge non-surgical, chiropractic care with our Cox Technic system of care! That’s more than enough time for us to see results, aiming for at least 50% relief within 30 days of care. Most Baton Rouge chiropractic patients find it within visits oftentimes!
- For Baton Rouge Spinal Pain Surgical Candidates…
- All professional healthcare providers like your Baton Rouge chiropractor at Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers want what’s best for the patients in their care. When back pain patients are evaluated by a multidisciplinary panel, lumbar spine fusion is recommended less. In one study of 100 patients who had been recommended for fusion surgery by a surgeon, the panel suggested non-operative care for 58% of them. 28% of the 100 did undergo surgery, but their treatment plan was revised. The study promotes these multidisciplinary panels to reduce the use of fusion which may allow for better use of surgical interventions for the right types of patients and better use of non-operative approaches for back pain relief. (2) Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers knows it’s all about the back pain patient and what’s best for him or her.
- For Neck Pain Patients…
- The Bone and Joint Decade Task Force on Neck Pain by the Optima Collaboration states that mobilization, manipulation and clinical massage are effective for neck pain. The task force also found that several passive modalities are not effective and should not be used for neck pain. (3) Well, Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers offers gentle, safe, proven spinal manipulation in Cox Technic for neck pain relief!
- For Baton Rouge Older Back Pain Sufferers…
- Collaborative care for older adults with back pain is promising. Family medicine residents and doctors of chiropractic worked together in a study. They shared their professional experience, training, and treatment approaches with each other. Participants appreciated getting to understand each other's care and communicating better. The patients really appreciated the interaction among everyone for their health care and back pain management. (4)
When such care beyond the Baton Rouge chiropractic system at Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers is apparent, Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers helps our Baton Rouge chiropractic patients arrange the next step and follows the progress carefully. Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers is committed to our Baton Rouge back pain patients and the best outcome possible for their relief. Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers knows that working together – patient and back pain specialists of chiropractic and medicine at times – can produce real healing.
Contact Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers today to arrange your Baton Rouge chiropractic visit.