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January 10, 2012

Chiropractors focus on the whole body, the whole person. A chiropractor is educated to realize how the bones, muscles, nerves, spinal cord, senses and the brain all work together. Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers works with quite a few whole people in Baton Rouge to relieve pain when the body is feeling down. Then, Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers offers proposals on how to maintain pain relief and control, so the pain doesn’t return. Exercise is one way to prolong pain relief. (1)

First of all, such a whole person focus allows our Baton Rouge chiropractor to "catch on to" your pain right away. We’ll sympathize that your leg feels like it is on fire and that it feels like that because a nerve in your spine may be irritated or pinched. Your brain knows it. Your leg knows it. Your back knows it. Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers’s chiropractor knows it. Once our chiropractic treatment plan tones down or does away with that irritation, our chiropractic care advocate ways to fend off such irritation in the future. That’s where exercise often comes into play.

exercising to help reduce pain as per chirpractic instruction imageExercise reinforces parts of the body to make the whole body stronger. The muscles are important to the body’s function and motion as well as to keeping the bones aligned and the spine on cloud nine. Now, it’s even marked that exercise reduces the pain receptors’ production – dopamine and noradrenaline – for up to 90 minutes after you stop exercising. (1) What a boon for your pain relief!

So, exercise a bit when you are in pain. Don’t do anything until we talk about the right exercise for you, of course! But exercise balances out with your Baton Rouge chiropractic pain relief, in all likelihood giving you the between-visit support you want.

Check out this article on the benefit of exercise for prolonged pain relief, then contact your Baton Rouge chiropractor at Medical Spine and Sports Injury and Rehab Centers to schedule a chiropractic visit today! Your whole body will love it!